Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Leaf.

When it's 2 in the morning, your eyes are bloodshot, you're extremely tired, and you're still sitting on facebook you come to realize something:

Facebook needs to die.

Okay, not really, but if this is happening to you it does probably mean you need to delete your account. I finally did and I feel great. I no longer have a temptation to be a facebook creeper/stalker. I have no problem in admitting that I was one, especially because I know there's plenty of others out there. You all know what I'm talking about... when all of the sudden two hours go by and you're looking at your friend's fiance's sister's friend's cousin's pictures and the thought comes to mind, WTH am I doing right now? This isn't me, I'm not creeper. Well unfortunately, all signs are pointing to yes and it may now be time for you to do the unthinkable and delete your facebook account.

But don't worry, you can still curb your online addiction by blogging. I've decided to turn over my facebook leaf to the blogger side. My sister and her friends just recently started blogging, so I thought I'd give it a go. I can tell it's already working, I haven't missed facebook once in the last 18 hours...


  1. Once in the last 18 hours. Haha, nice.

    Welcome to the blog world. As a wise person once said, "BLogs are the facebook for smart people."

    Love love love.

  2. Just to warn you, you'll probably start to creeper stalk through people's blogs now.

    Don't say I didn't warn you.

    But... I'm excited to start stalking yours.

  3. the first 72 hours are the hardest.
    the nervous twitch and sudden convulsions gradually decrease in severity.
