Thursday, September 17, 2009


As you may have noticed, my blog's beauty is now new and improved. I love love love it. Maybe now that it's fun to look at, I'll actually start posting more. Just maybe.

Speaking of upgrades:

1. If I could upgrade my blog to another, I would upgrade to this one. Yesterday I became obsessed. (Note the button in the sidebar.) Seriously, her blog has moved me. No joke, I spent the entire afternoon reading it. I laughed, cried, pondered, and loved it. Please read. It will not be a waste of your time.
2. If I could upgrade my job (or lack there of), it would be to work here. It's everything I love in one place; style, creating, and cupcakes. Maybe one day I'll run a place like that on my own. Now that's a lovely dream.
( p.s. if you get the chance, have the rasberry lemonade. i thought i'd died and gone to pastry heaven!)
3. If I could upgrade myself, I would upgrade to her. Watch it. You'll understand.