Thursday, September 17, 2009


As you may have noticed, my blog's beauty is now new and improved. I love love love it. Maybe now that it's fun to look at, I'll actually start posting more. Just maybe.

Speaking of upgrades:

1. If I could upgrade my blog to another, I would upgrade to this one. Yesterday I became obsessed. (Note the button in the sidebar.) Seriously, her blog has moved me. No joke, I spent the entire afternoon reading it. I laughed, cried, pondered, and loved it. Please read. It will not be a waste of your time.
2. If I could upgrade my job (or lack there of), it would be to work here. It's everything I love in one place; style, creating, and cupcakes. Maybe one day I'll run a place like that on my own. Now that's a lovely dream.
( p.s. if you get the chance, have the rasberry lemonade. i thought i'd died and gone to pastry heaven!)
3. If I could upgrade myself, I would upgrade to her. Watch it. You'll understand.


  1. Amen to all of those things times 87. Can't wait till we have our joint bakery/bookstore. Love you cris.

    (My verification word = pebout. Now if that isn't fun, I don't know what is.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just found this little gem of a website and am looking forward to being able to at least get some what of an update on your life through this. Love and miss you tons.

  4. its not an upgrade if you still never ever post anything.
